Booking a Space at FMS

Located at the Loyola campus of Concordia University, the FMS includes a conference room, gathering space, and a multi-use production studio. 

The Feminist Media Studio features a conference room and iMac workstations, kitchenette, meeting area, projection surfaces, and a studio equipped with an iMac production computer including 2.1 channel sound monitoring, recording booth, and projection scaffolding.

Our space is available to book for production, installation, meetings, presentations, and other member events in alignment with the values of the space. Our space exists to host and support our members and is not intended for events with paid ticketing. The conference room has a capacity of approximately 25 people.

FMS Space Calendar   Click Here to Book


Concordia University
Communications & Journalism (CJ) Building
CJ 2.130, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6

Space Accessibility

Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Vimeo / Newsletter
514 848 2424 ext.5975

The Feminist Media Studio is located on the unceded lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. We seek to stand in solidarity with Indigenous demands for land restitution and reparations.

Our work—committed to intersectional and anti-colonial feminist praxis—actively engages and names the predicament of doing feminism on stolen land. We acknowledge that territorial acknowledgement is insufficient to stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities.
Our anti-colonial and decolonial efforts articulated in our Lab Values center resisting extraction in all its facets, de-centering feminist canons, valuing methodologies that oppose white supremacy, and building good relations with human and more-than-humans.
Website by Natasha Whyte-Gray, 2024.    
All Rights Reserved.